Saturday, August 20th was my wedding anniversary, so Barbara and I went out to eat for dinner and invited my sister, Sarah. We had not previously eaten at Boochey’s near Thaxton, MS, but chose to go there based on what we had heard of its food and atmosphere.
We had hardly finished our meal and gotten into our car when Sarah received a text message from Felicia. Felicia and husband Cullen were not at home at the time. The gist of the message was Felicia was to bake and decorate a cake for someone and wanted her mom to pick up a few things from Walmart.
Sarah replied to the text, “I’m on my way back from Thaxton and will run by Walmart on my way home.”
This piqued Felicia’s cat-like curiosity.
“What you doing in Thaxton.”
By this time Barbara and I were fully engaged in the text conversation and prompted Sarah to respond with, “My man friend and I went out to eat.”
Almost instantly, Felicia’s response came, “What???”
As if given time to absorb the relevation and adjust, Felicia soon asked her mom a favor.
“If you really, really love me (notice the self-doubt), you’ll bake the cake for me, so all I’ll have to do is the icing.”
I suggested Sarah respond with something about Tunica.
“Okay, I should have time to do that when I get back from Tunica.”
By this time, I was pulling into Felicia’s drive for Sarah to drop off the ingredients for the cake icing. Sarah took the supplies inside, leaving her cell phone in the backseat of the car.
Momentarily, Sarah’s cell phone rang. I reached over the back of my seat for the phone, and in doing so accidently “answered” it. I saw the caller ID listed the caller as “Felicia, My Favorite.” Instead of talking, I gestured to Barbara that the call was from Felicia. After a few seconds, I hung up without saying a word.
In the blink of an eye, the phone rang. Again the caller ID indicated Felicia was the caller. This time, I spoke audibly but with a deep voice.
Felicia asked, “Who’s this?”
“John,” I replied stoically and in the same deep voice.
“I’d like to speak to Sarah Sue,” Felicia responded with some uncertainty.
“I think you have the wrong number.” I stated.
“I don’t think so,” Felicia demanded.
With no further words, I hung up on her again.
Barbara and I erupted with laughter and were enjoying our part in the masquerade rather immensely.
Two text messages appeared on Sarah’s phone almost simultaneously.
“Mom are you OK?”
“Call me.”
About then, Sarah had returned to the car, and we quickly filled her in on the happenings. She, too, laughed at our scheming and continued to cackle, as she phoned Felicia to assure her she was indeed okay and that she had been out to eat with Uncle Wayne and Aunt Barbara, the last of the red-hot lovers, on their wedding anniversary.
“I’m not amused,” Felicia calmly replied.
And, in her best principal-in-training-voice, Felicia remarked, “I don’t think it’s the least bit funny.”
As far as I know, Felicia still doesn’t think our “funning” her funny. But, we do. Bawahahahaaaa!