Wednesday, December 19, 2018
Tuesday, November 20, 2018
My Maggie
In 2010, my wife and I were with our Senior Adult church-friends
in Gatlinburg, Tennessee, we were killing time taking in the sights near the
“Old Mill” restaurant as we had to wait almost one hour before being
seated. Barbara and some of her women
friends were in line, but Mickey Gentry and I found ourselves listening to a
three-piece band play and sing old-time Country Music.
I asked them if they took requests, and upon learning that they
did, I asked them if they knew, “Precious Jewel.” Sure enough, they did, and they played it
rather well. Another old tune came to
mind, and I asked about “Maggie.” The lead singer thought he had it in his book
of lyrics, but the other two weren’t sure they knew the song that began, “I
wandered today to the hill, Maggie.” However, once the singer started strumming
his guitar, the other two picked up the music right on key.
those of us who’ve been married forever, and especially those over the age of sixty,
there’s a good possibility you’ve sung or heard this song. Some of the lyrics
as I recall them are:
wandered today to the hill, Maggie
To watch the scene below
The creek and the rusty old mill, Maggie
As we used to, long, long ago.
The green grove is gone from the hill, Maggie,
Where first the daisies sprung;
The rusty old mill is still, Maggie,
Since you and I were young.
------- ~ -------
They say that I'm feeble with age, Maggie,
My steps are less sprightly than then,
My face is a well-written page, Maggie,
And time alone was the pen.
They say we are aged and grey, Maggie,
As spray by the white breakers flung,
But to me you're as fair as you were, Maggie,
When you and I were young.
The creek and the rusty old mill, Maggie
As we used to, long, long ago.
The green grove is gone from the hill, Maggie,
Where first the daisies sprung;
The rusty old mill is still, Maggie,
Since you and I were young.
------- ~ -------
They say that I'm feeble with age, Maggie,
My steps are less sprightly than then,
My face is a well-written page, Maggie,
And time alone was the pen.
They say we are aged and grey, Maggie,
As spray by the white breakers flung,
But to me you're as fair as you were, Maggie,
When you and I were young.
In this song, I particularly like the nostalgia of the words and
the gently flowing sounds when it’s played.
The songwriter sort of draws me into his world in the first couple of
lines. I can closely identify with his
return to a once familiar area only to see all that has changed over the
years. I have a place in mind right here
in the City of Pontotoc.
Before there was a Pontotoc Lake and Recreation Area (now, Howard
Stafford Park), I had found a tranquil place on a hilltop overlooking a stream
below. The undeveloped land held a stand
of pines whose random placement led me to believe man played no part in their
being there. An abandoned railroad bed
was only yards away. It was a good place
to sit in partial sunlight on a cool, late fall day and contemplate one’s place
in the created order.
When I first experienced the solitude of this place, I had not met
the woman who would later become my wife, but in the song I am able to picture
her as my Maggie. The first time she saw
the place I viewed as special was when the park was being dedicated and the
“stream below” had become part of the lake.
The songwriter concludes that people change, also, with the
passage of time. Barbara, and I aren’t as feeble or as aged as the songwriter
describes, but we’re getting there. And,
somehow, in a way I can’t explain, she is as fair to me today as she was when
we were young; she’s as beautiful, no, more beautiful than the day I met her.
Yeah, my eyesight’s not what it used to be, but my imagination is better.
And, I can say with all honesty, “But to me, you’re as fair as you
were, Barbara, when you and I were young.”
Saturday, April 14, 2018
On Becoming A Teacher
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2018 Recreation of Toy Caterpillar |
I haven’t always been a teacher, though I have been
for most of my life. I can date my entrance into the ranks of professional
teachers to 1965, but I became a teacher much earlier. I suppose I became a
teacher the day I learned how to make a caterpillar toy from an empty wooden
spool that once had sewing thread wound around it. Until then I was a learner,
but having learned, I wanted to share my knowledge with others. Who knew, a
simple homemade toy would jumpstart my desire to teach others?
I didn’t hold classes in toy making as a child, but
whenever I learned how to make a kite, a sling, a slingshot, a willow whistle,
or whatever else amused me, I wanted to show others how to do the same.
I have a lot of friends who don’t know I was once a
real teacher. Even those who know I was
once a math teacher perhaps do not know that teaching was a part of God’s plan
for my life. I must admit, I did not know I was “predestined” to become a
teacher, either, but clearly I was.
Something about science has always intrigued me.
Maybe my 8th grade science teacher, Coach Carl Lowry (yes some
coaches teach subjects other than history) played a role in my developing
scientific interest. I surely learned a lot of general science in his class. By
the end of high school, I had taken all the science and math courses offered at
Pontotoc High School.
I left high school with a burning desire to become a
chemist. That was before I ran into a stone wall as a college junior, something
called Advanced Organic Chemistry. Organic Chemistry was bad enough, but Advanced
Organic did me in. I took a WF (withdrawn failing) just to get of that class,
one I had no hope of ever passing. Well, maybe had funds been unlimited I could
have passed after a half-dozen or so attempts, but I was in college to get a
job to make money after graduation, so I changed college majors from Chemistry
to Math, something I could pass and one day get a degree. The result of
changing my major was that I graduated roughly a semester later than I planned,
and it was in August when I received my diploma.
Math degrees sometimes command jobs with high salaries,
but that’s usually reserved for persons who graduated with high grade-point
averages in Math. My math grades were at best mediocre. I know that revelation
will disappoint my grandkids, who think I’m the smartest man alive. Sorry.
I mention graduation to note that at the end of
September I was still looking for a job. My dad was co-owner and head butcher
at the grocery store he ran. Among the
many salesmen who stopped by for orders each week was a representative from
Krey Meat Packing Co. who happened to be on the board of trustees at South
Tippah High School, Ripley, MS. I believe the salesman's name last name was Storey, I regret
I can’t recall the rest. I
suppose he knew my dad’s family well enough and had probably heard I was
majoring in math at Ole Miss. The story, as my dad related it to me, was something like
Salesman: Didn’t your son graduate with a math
Dad: “Yes, a little over a month ago, but he doesn’t
have a job.”
Salesman: “We need a math teacher really bad in
Ripley, and there seems to be a shortage of math teachers, statewide. Send him
up there to talk to E. O. Rutherford.”
Dad: “Okay, but he didn’t major in Education, he has
a Science degree.”
Salesman: “I don’t think that’s a problem. Please ask him to talk to the principal.”
I wasn’t too keen on interviewing for a teaching position in October of 1965,
as I had taken no college subjects specifically needed by teachers.
Nonetheless, I heeded my dad’s advice and acted on the suggestion by the board
member and made my way to the Principal’s office that Friday.
I’m sure the board member had notified the Principal
that a math teacher had been found in Pontotoc, as Mr. Rutherford was overjoyed
when I arrived.
“Am I ever glad to see you,” he exclaimed when I
told him who I was. “We’ve gone six weeks without a math teacher for our 8th
and 9th grade students. It’s
hard to find enough substitutes to have classes. Can you start next Monday?”
“Mr. Rutherford, I’ve not had any classes to prepare
me to teach.”
“Son, don’t worry about that. You have a degree in mathematics. The State
of Mississippi will grant you a certificate for one year. It can be renewed each
year until you complete all the required educational courses for a teacher’s
I “worked off” the education requirements by
attending college courses over the next three or four summers, first at Blue
Mountain College and then at Ole Miss.
You might find it interesting that after my third
day of teaching, Mr. Rutherford brought a young lady to my room, Laura Grisham,
a student at Blue Mountain College, and introduced us. She was to be a “practice
teacher.” She was there to observe my
students and me for a fixed number of weeks and then to teach my students while
I did the observing. It wasn’t exactly a
case of the blind leading the blind, but it was close. Luckily for Laura, she
was able to observe and learn from Mr. Herman Clemmer, who taught the higher
grades and had more than thirty years of teaching experience.
There’s a reason I stated in the beginning
paragraphs of this story that I was predestined to become a teacher. I say
this, not so much that teaching provided me with a living wage and my first job
after my college years, but to note that as a teacher in the city of Ripley,
MS, I was in the right place at the right time for me to meet the young woman
whom God had selected to become my wife, Barbara Anne Crouch.
My career as a teacher was relatively short. I
taught in Ripley for five years, one year at Algoma High School, Algoma, MS
(the last year before Pontotoc County schools consolidated to form North
Pontotoc and South Pontotoc attendance centers), and I wrapped up my career as
a math teacher with a year at Pontotoc High School.
My professional teaching career ended in 1972, but
opportunities to teach others continue to this day. In 1972 and 1973 I sold
office machines and usually had to train business persons on the features and
functions of electronic calculators, copiers, and electronic typewriters.
Starting in August of 1973 I re-entered the grocery
world I had grown up in, and I became a butcher for a local supermarket and
would soon become the manager of the Meat Department. Trust me, managers get to
do a lot of teaching.
Nine years later, I was promoted to meat supervisor
for a group of retail supermarkets supplied by SUPERVALU, Indianola,
By 1989, personal computers were becoming affordable
for small businesses and individuals, and a position in Retail Technology
opened at SUPERVALU. I applied and was
hired as manager of the Retail Technology department and had two individuals
who reported to me. I was given a mandate to “learn the ropes” within six
months; somehow I learned enough to continue in the department until my
retirement in 2010, twenty-one years later.
My job with SUPERVALU was a mixture of sales and
teaching. Retailers were anxious to purchase
technology in order to improve pricing and labeling accuracy, and along with
those purchases store personnel had to learn how to use the new technology,
which went hand in hand with my background as a teacher.
As you can see, my teaching career has been long and
varied, and I’ve not mentioned my years of teaching children, young people, and
adults at First Baptist Church in Pontotoc, or my current job of teaching my
grandchildren the important things in life such as, don’t mess with spiders and
snakes, fire is hot, ice is cold, playing in the street is dangerous, etc. I considered
starting a class, “Why Grandpa Is NOT The Smartest Man In The World,” but
they’ll eventually figure it out on their own.
“Teaching is the mental equivalent of riding a
bicycle, in that having done so, one never forgets how.” ~ Book of Wayne
Thursday, April 12, 2018
This Is My Story ~ When Jesus Came Into My Heart
Many years ago, a Baptist preacher and the father of a
small boy were speculating what the future might hold for the youngster. The
preacher suggested the lad might well have a future as a pastor, for he had
noticed how attentive the boy was during church services and seemed to hang onto
every word from the pulpit. The father of the boy was a grocery store manager
and stated his desire to see the boy follow in his footsteps. Theirs was but a conservation,
not an argument, as each had the child’s best interests at heart.
I know this to be true for the father in this story was
my dad, Henry Carter and the pastor was reverend Troy Mohan, pastor of the
First Baptist Church of Okolona. I may have heard them talking, but I’m not
certain I did, and it could be simply the story passed down in my family.
It was during the Okolona years of my childhood, at
around nine or ten years of age, that I first experienced the promptings of the
Holy Spirt in my heart. In the next few years, I came to understand that God
was convicting me of my sin and encouraging me to follow him.
My earliest
memories of attending FBC, Pontotoc are of the morning Bible study classes,
then called Sunday School and evening classes designed to equip children for
the Christian walk. The latter program of study was termed, Training Union.
It was during
my second summer of Vacation Bible School at FBC, Pontotoc that I was “invited”
to the pastor’s study, a small corner room above the church’s baptistery. I
already “had Jesus in my heart” at the time of my conversation with our pastor.
I remember we talked of salvation and I was encouraged to make my Christian
experience and decision public.
I’m not
positive that it was the next Sunday or not, but I think it was the conclusion
of a week of revival that I made my decision before the church. It was “invitation time,” the time when the
preacher asks persons who have made a decision to follow Christ to come
George was serving as Department Director of the Sunday School age group I was
attending. She was standing in the row behind me, as we were singing. She touched me on my left shoulder and asked
me if I was ready. Perhaps, our pastor
had mentioned to her that he had spoken privately to me and others in Bible
School. I nodded “Yes,” and stepped from the fourth row, front center, and
walked the aisle to be greeted by our Pastor, Brother Tom Douglas.
Several young
people made professions of faith or recommitments that morning. We were baptized the following Sunday night.
As a new
Christian, I had great role models in my teachers and leaders at First Baptist. Whether in the classroom or in their backyard
for a class get together, I always felt loved by them.
Years later,
I would have opportunities to work with children in both RAs and choir and to
teach children in “Training Union” and to later teach young adults in Bible
Study. That I survived as a teacher/ leader
is a testament to the Christ-like examples of those who taught me.
I wish I
could say that in my walk with Jesus he has guided me every step of the way,
but I have often veered from the pathway he chose for me. Still, as I recount
my journey I can see how each time I drifted off course, he worked patiently
with me to accomplish his will for my life. One of the truest statements I’ve ever
heard is, “life must be lived forward but can only be understood looking
I would like
to say I’ve never doubted my salvation experience, but the truth is that there
were multiple occasions when doubt plagued me. Each time I had doubts, either I
searched the Bible for assurance or the Holy Spirit flooded my mind with
scripture I had previously learned.
after reading John 20:30-31, “And many other signs truly did Jesus in the
presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book: But these are
written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and
that believing ye might have life through his name,” those words soothed my
soul with affirmation of my salvation.
I’m afraid I
did not live up to the hopes of either my dad or of the pastor mentioned at the
beginning of my story. I did not feel led to become a full-time minister or
pastor; neither did I choose to become the manager or owner of a grocery story.
I honestly think I could have done either one, especially with the Lord’s
help. However, I did grow in wisdom and
stature and in favor of God and man, becoming a leader in the church that I
have now been a member of for more than sixty years, and Dad made sure I
learned the trade of meat cutting, which served me well and gave me a foothold
in the grocery world, first in retail and later at wholesale.
In a sense,
both my dad and his pastor were correct. I grew up to serve the Lord, and after
my children were born, I settled on a career involving the grocery business. I
have to think both men have by now greeted one another in Heaven and each has said
to the other, “I told you so.”
wlc "Just and old sinner, saved by grace"
Tuesday, March 13, 2018
The Best Thing I Ever Ate ~ Fried Chicken
Did you ever eat a Reese’s peanut butter cup and wonder,
“How can I make this better?” Probably not, as perfection is good enough for
most of us. After eating fried chicken, I have often wondered why anybody would
want it cooked any other way. Honestly,
I think I could eat fried chicken once a week for the rest of my days, and not
miss it baked, barbequed, boiled, spun on a rotisserie, as chicken salad, in a
casserole, or however else people prepare it.
In the early years of my marriage I tried to convince my wife that fried was the only way to eat chicken. I won't admit to having lost that battle, but I'll allow that I learned to eat it many other ways. Yet, there's an old saying which remains true, "A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion, still."
In my lifetime, two of my family members could cook the
best fried chicken I ever ate. The two were my mother, Frances, and my dad's
sister, Nettie Mae.
Both Mama and Aunt Nettie Mae bought whole fryers and cut
them into pieces at home, unless, as in Mom's case, there was a butcher in the
family who sometimes cut it up at the store.
Mama pulled the skin off the pieces of chicken before
frying them, whereas Aunt Nettie Mae left the skin on the meat. Each had cooked
with lard in their earlier years, but by the time I came alone they were using
a vegetable shortening, most often the Crisco brand, and they pan-fried the chicken
in either a cast iron skillet or a heavy aluminum pan.
Before frying, Mama dipped the chicken pieces in a
mixture of egg and milk and then dredged the pieces in flour. Aunt Nettie Mae
simply dredged her chicken parts in flour. At some point in the process the
chicken was seasoned with salt and/or pepper, but I don't remember when.
There was never enough "lard" in the skillet to
deep-fry the chicken, as people often do today whether prepared at home or in
restaurants, and I don't remember there being even a half-inch of melted
shortening in the pan to start the frying process. Mama's chicken was always
delicious with its soft flakey crust. Aunt Nettie Mae's chicken was equally
delicious, though the exterior of the chicken pieces was crispy and crunchy.
Cousin Becky remembers Aunt Nettie Mae would cover the
skillet once all the pieces of chicken where in place, leaving the lid on
during the cooking process and turning the chicken pieces only one.
When I first began teaching high school math, in Ripley,
Mississippi, I boarded with Aunt Nettie Mae through the week and returned home to
Pontotoc on the weekends, commuting sort of like my college years. At that time two of my cousins were still at
home with my aunt and uncle. On nights that fried chicken was served (about
once a week), Cousin Becky and I would often "spar" over the crispy
crumbles left of the serving platter.
Fried chicken, whether at home or at my aunt’s was always
served with homemade biscuits. Mom’s biscuits were rolled out and cut with a
biscuit cutter made from an empty Vienna sausage can. They were light and
flakey and if left unattended would almost float off your plate. Aunt Nettie
Mae’s homemade biscuits were choked-off and hand worked into the perfect size.
Though her biscuits were much heavier than Mom’s, they were absolutely
It’s not often in the world of “The Best Thing I Ever
Ate” there’s a tie, but with regard to fried chicken and biscuits, both Mama
and Aunt Nettie Mae’s fried chicken and biscuits remain “The Best Thing I Ever
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