Wednesday, January 02, 2019

Something New for Christmas

I'm not sure who suggested it, but my daughter Rayanne and my niece Felicia thought it would be something our family might enjoy on Christmas afternoon. At least it sounded like a good idea to me, so I told them to "count me in."

Barbara, my wife, checked with Pontotoc Hospital Nursing Home staff on Christmas Eve to find out if anyone had asked about entertaining the residents the next day. No group had made a similar request, so we told them we would be there around 3:30 pm.

There are enough talented players and singers in my family that they could do without me, but what I didn't know was nobody wanted to put together a list of songs, let alone the words and/or music to the songs. I often fly by the seat of my pants, but with respect to music, I'm not comfortable doing so.

"We'll do some Christmas songs and hymns that you'll know," they said, "You don't need the music."

In my formative years, I learned a lot of hymns and popular songs about Christmas, but I only learned to sing the melody. I would be a full-fledged adult with two children, before I learned to sing the bass line of a hymn. There are people who can harmonize with the melody of a song, without sheet music, the fist time they hear the song. I can't.

There were eight adults that loaded into three vehicles along with two children to sing and play at the nursing home. You can see everyone in the picture above, except the pianist in the corner, who is my daughter, Rayanne.

Rayanne's husband Anson sang Mary Did You Know.  They are pictured at right.

We billed ourselves as the New Carter Family, so as not to confuse anyone familiar with the Carter Family of the pre-Great Depression era.

About halfway through our program, I decided to live-stream the music on Facebook. Had, I not done so, you wouldn't be viewing pictures along with this story.

The size of our group was as large as the number of residents in the Activity Room, but some residents had family members who accompanied them.

Some of the residents joined us in singing and later thanked us for coming to visit them. We certainly enjoyed our first public performance and will likely make entertaining the nursing home residents an integral part of Christmas 2019.