It would have made more sense for Neal to have returned home with his wife and then bring his truck back to the Museum, but neither of us thought of it until Virginia had left the premises. So, I drove Neal to his house, parked my car there, and we returned in his truck.
The interim provided Brenda the opportunity to photograph her father standing adjacent to the sign in front of the museum. Brenda explained the logo on the sign depicts a picture of her late grandfather and one-time postmaster, Cary Conlee, delivering the mail. Brenda’s mother, Ladine Conlee Carter, was Shannon’s high school sweetheart and his wife of fifty years before she died in 1994.
As a footnote to last week’s article, Shannon’s Plaque, Brenda recently shared the following: "Although he started Carter Wood Products in Starkville, MS, Shannon's business success was as co-founder and VP Production of Howard Furniture Manufacturing Company, which became famous for its oak, family room furniture. He was a partner in this corporation that also included Herschede Hall Clock Company, MotorGuide fishing motors, Rookwood Pottery, and Briarwood Lamp Co."
"His love was collecting antique tools, antique cars (His 1917 Overland won 100's of trophies), and turn of the century Americana, of which most was donated to the Pontotoc Historical Museum. He also donated much of his antique tool collection to Mississippi State University, and they are now displayed in the Forestry building."
"He was President of MOTAA, the Mid-America Old Time Automobile Association and the Mississippi Antique Car Club for years."
When Neal and I returned to the Museum, Mr. Dick Hagans, Brenda, and Shannon rode in the truck with us. Mrs. Doris Hagans, Jeannie, Cary, and Paige rode in a separate vehicle. Continue reading>>
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