Tuesday, June 24, 2008


It took approximately fifty-three years for us discover the joy of writing. After about a year of journalizing we began Ridge Rider News and mailed copies to three households. Our reasons to initiate a weekly newsletter were varied but would most certainly include a desire to leave a written record for our descendants, while using our pen to vent a few frustrations. To our great surprise, our readership grew as friends heard about our venture. An even greater surprise was to discover that folks actually enjoyed our writing.

As the years clicked by, maintaining what started largely as a hobby became a more and more demanding endeavor, with respect to our personal time. Thus, on the anniversary of our twelfth year of publication we chose to "close shop."

Ridge Rider News, the newsletter, is officially retired. However, this website will remain open for the foreseeable future, allowing family and friends and all others interested in our writing to peruse our archives of six hundred twenty-six weekly issues.

Our pen will likely remain active but not for the benefit of Ridge Rider News.

At this time, a joint venture is being considered by two friends plus this writer to produce an email-only monthly publication. Plans are still preliminary, but a September '08 issue is a real possibility. Persons interested in receiving our first issue should contact us by completing our comment form.

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