Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Blinky Milk

Of the words and phrases that have all but disappeared from modern vernacular, “blinky” is surely one of them. My spell checker doesn’t accept blinky as a valid word and my American Heritage Dictionary doesn’t have it, either. Google, the online search engine, isn’t much better but finds a character or two named Blinky and also tells me that fireflies in Jamaica are called blinkies.

But, it hasn’t been that long ago that I heard my mother say, “Ugh, this milk is blinky,” after taste-testing the quality of the favorite beverage of my youth.

Okay, it has been that long ago. Mom’s been dead twenty-years, and it’s been a lot longer than that since I was a youth.

Yesterday, blinky resurfaced. I have tried to identify something I ate Saturday that would have made me sick. For the most part, others ate the same things I ate, except for the milk. Within a half-hour after eating a bowl of frosted flakes and milk (about two hours after dining), while enjoying a cup of coffee, I was no longer well. The indigestion I was experiencing worsened and my chewable Gaviscon tablets didn’t help.

Starting around midnight and lasting until after 2:00 a.m. Sunday morning, I stuck my face in the commode three times, trying to remove the last remaining contents of my stomach. It was not a pretty sight, and it was certainly not a pretty sound. My torso remains sore, even now, from the wretchedness I put it through.

Last night, I thought I’d treat myself to another bowl of frosted flakes and milk. The first spoonful had a flavor similar to that of raisin bran or grape nuts. My first thought was the cereal might have picked up a smell from the pantry, but there were no fruits in the pantry. A second tasting assured me something was wrong and that the sugared cereal might be camouflaging the problem.

Having emptied the milk container into my cereal, I dug the container out of the garbage to check the date. It was good through Monday. I removed the cap and smelled the inside of the container. It was beyond the blinky stage, though it may have been blinky two nights before when I was sick.

Earlier in the week, in an effort to consolidate shopping trips, I had bought a food item at Wal-Mart instead of swinging by the local Piggly Wiggly as I would normally have done. That food item was Great Value 2% Milk. Whenever, I buy 2% milk at the “Pig,” I can count on it being drinkable at least a week beyond the expiration date. Apparently Wal-Mart and the “Pig” use different suppliers.

Needless to say, the bowl of milk and cereal went down the garbage disposal unit. I believe the blinky milk was the source of my trouble, and I’m thankful my taste buds caught the bad milk before I ingested much of it. While I’ve not wanted to eat any more foods like I ate last Saturday, including coffee, I’m slowly working my way back to normalcy.

I don’t blame Wal-Mart for the bad milk, but I doubt I’ll purchase anymore milk at Wal-Mart even if would save me a trip to the grocery store. Anyway, today’s milk shouldn’t go blinky before its expiration date.

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