The people who make Oreo cookies should know better than to mess with a good thing. But, perhaps their current “captains of industry” are too young to remember the Coke/ New Coke debacle a few decades ago. Even so, have they not heard the adage, “If it’s not broke, don’t fix it?” Sigh.
I am a victim of advertising and found myself believing the hype over a new Nabisco product, a spin-off from the original Oreo. Take the top cookie off an Oreo leaving the cream center and bottom cookie; dip the cream center and bottom cookie in fudge and market the new creation as the best thing since sliced bread. Suckers will buy it.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s a good concoction.
Better than the original?
Mind you, I’ve not tried other variations on the same theme…vanilla fudge crèmes, peanut butter fudge crèmes, but I’ve learned the Oreo Fudge Cremes are nothing to write home about.
Sure, others will buy ‘em and try ‘em and a small fan base will develop for this new cookie, but were I in charge of Nabisco, I’d “hang my hat” on the original Oreo.
I’m no sales and marketing guru, but I’m going on record as stating within two years, one will be hard pressed to find any of the new crème variations of the Oreo still on a grocer’s shelves.
I am a victim of advertising and found myself believing the hype over a new Nabisco product, a spin-off from the original Oreo. Take the top cookie off an Oreo leaving the cream center and bottom cookie; dip the cream center and bottom cookie in fudge and market the new creation as the best thing since sliced bread. Suckers will buy it.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s a good concoction.
Better than the original?
Mind you, I’ve not tried other variations on the same theme…vanilla fudge crèmes, peanut butter fudge crèmes, but I’ve learned the Oreo Fudge Cremes are nothing to write home about.
Sure, others will buy ‘em and try ‘em and a small fan base will develop for this new cookie, but were I in charge of Nabisco, I’d “hang my hat” on the original Oreo.
I’m no sales and marketing guru, but I’m going on record as stating within two years, one will be hard pressed to find any of the new crème variations of the Oreo still on a grocer’s shelves.
Thanks for saving me THAT money - I'm an original Oreo fan myself. :)
I think you are nuts - it's the best thing I've ever tried!
To Kim G.
Certainly, I respect your opinion. I merely expressed mine. Obviously, we disagree on the worthiness of the Oreo Fudge Creme cookie. I don't know what the best thing I ever tried (cookie-wise)would be, but I'd rate the Nabisco Pinwheels pretty darn high.
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