Monday, December 19, 2011

A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To Choir

Dressing for our recent Christmas Music program, presented by the Adult Choir of FBC, Pontotoc, I picked a white shirt from those in my closet and the bright red tie our choir director gave me to wear with my white shirt and black pants. Once I completed tying the fore-in-hand knot and was satisfied with the length (a man’s tie should hang no lower and no higher than the top of his belt buckle), I noticed the tips of the collar seemed to be missing the stiffness I expect from my shirts.
I didn’t want to be late for the six o’clock mandate to be IN the choir room and seated, and I was somewhat fearful I’d be tardy if I could not quickly locate a pair of collar staves. Finding them, I rushed into the living room where Barbara was seated and asked her to insert the staves into the sleeves underneath the collar. I did so because my hand to eye coordination while looking in a mirror is not my best attribute.
Barbara had trouble seeing where to slip the stave into the underside of the collar and told me she needed better light. I began to back away from her with her still hanging onto my collar and had almost reached the light switch when she said she could then see better.
“It went through!” she exclaimed.
“What are you talking about?”
“It came out the button hole,” she stated.
‘What button hole?”
“The one at the end of your collar.”
“Oh, good grief! I put on a button-down collar. Just fasten my collar to the buttons,” I sighed.
If this is the start of our growing old together, the two of us may be in for a bumpy ride.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I saw the picture before I read the post and thought, "What the heck?" lol I'm still laughing about that one. :)