Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Disappearing Fast

They appeared suddenly in the morning hours of Christmas Day, but they are disappearing from local scenes at an alarming rate. Some were hastily constructed, while others were carefully thought out and erected. The one in my yard was an afterthought that didn’t come into fruition until forty-eight hours after the first ones appeared.

My youngest granddaughter and my great, great niece had rolled three snowballs to the size of beach balls and were unable to complete job. I was unaware of their efforts at the time, else I could have helped them.

Monday morning, I stacked the three large balls of snow and created my version of Frosty The Snowman. I fashioned a top hat for him using a cement trowel to carve through the topmost snowball. Charcoal briquettes were used for eyes and mouth, but there was no corncob pipe as ours is a no-smoking facility. A baby carrot became his nose; arms were left to one’s imagination.

I think the girls would have been proud of the snowman. My great, great niece was over again on Tuesday and was pleased with the final results. My granddaughter will have to settle for pictures as “Frosty” may have completely disappeared before she is back in Pontotoc.

While some may blame the disappearance of snowmen around town on Global Warming, I think it’s due to normal weather patterns over which man has little control. See for yourself, the changes over the past few days.

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